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What is Orion, and how does it differ from other backend frameworks?

Orion is a Node.js-based framework designed for extensibility, modularity, and ease of setup. Unlike traditional frameworks, it provides plug-and-play components, and a CLI to simplify common backend tasks.

How do I configure multiple databases with Orion?

Orion supports easy configuration of MySQL, MongoDB, and Redis using the config command. Simply run:

>>> npm run config <db_type>

Replace <db_type> with the type of database, such as mongo, mysql, or redis.

What’s the purpose of the generate command in Orion CLI?

The generate command allows you to create templates for controllers, routes, or entire modules. For instance, to create a user module, you would use:

>>> npm run generate module User

This creates boilerplate files for routes and controllers.

Can I add custom middleware in Orion?

Yes, you can add custom middleware by creating a file in the middlewares directory. Orion dynamically loads all middleware files, so any file in this directory with the required structure will be recognized.

How can I view all registered routes in my application?

In development mode, Orion supports route visualization at /visualize. It displays a list of all routes, methods, and handlers in your application for easy debugging and understanding of the API structure.

How does Orion ensure a single database instance per application?

Orion uses the Singleton design pattern in its DatabaseInterface class, ensuring only one instance of each database connection. This reduces overhead and improves performance by reusing the same instance.

How do I extend or customize a database connection?

You can extend the DatabaseInterface to implement custom database logic. Implement connect, getClient, and close methods for your custom database.

Does Orion support environment-based configurations?

Yes, Orion uses dotenv to load environment variables. Define your environment-specific variables in a .env file, and Orion will load them accordingly.

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