📄️ You need help?
The npm run help command displays the help information for Orion’s CLI commands. It shows a list of available commands and a brief description of each.
📄️ Start production server
The npm start command is the default script for starting the Orion server in production mode. This command runs the server using Node.js without the additional development features such as live-reloading.
📄️ Start development server
The npm run dev command starts the Orion server in development mode with live-reloading & routes visualization enabled. It uses nodemon to monitor changes in the codebase and automatically restarts the server when changes are detected.
📄️ Generate services
The npm run generate command facilitates the creation of new routes, controllers, or modules by automating their integration into the project structure. Don't be concerned about the boilerplate code; we will guide you through its contents and show you how to incorporate your existing logic seamlessly.
📄️ Configure Databases
The npm run config command is used to configure database connections for the Orion project. It allows developers to interactively set up database configurations for MySQL, MongoDB, Redis, or other supported databases.
📄️ Using Prettier
The npm run prettier command applies formatting to all code files based on Prettier's configuration settings. This ensures uniform code style throughout the project. The configuration details are specified in the .prettierrc file.