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Let’s get Orion up and running! Now that you’ve completed the prerequisites, let’s install and configure Orion for your development environment.

1. Clone the Project

Start by cloning the Orion's repository to your local machine.

>>> git clone
>>> cd orion # Get into the folder.

2. Install Dependencies

Run the following command to install all necessary dependencies.

>>> npm install

This will install all the packages defined in the package.json file.

3. Set Up Environment Variables

Orion uses environment variables to configure its settings. Create a .env file in the root of your project, or rename .env.sample to .env.

>>> touch .env

Your .env file should be structured as follows:

  • PORT: Specifies the port on which the server should run.
  • ENVIRONMENT: Indicates the environment mode, either production or development.

4. Run the Application

After setting up the environment variables, start the server.

>>> npm run dev  # For Development
>>> npm start # For Production

This will start the Orion server on the specified port (default is 3000). If everything is set up correctly, you should see a success message in your console.

[nodemon] starting `node index.js`
[INFO] Visit /visualize to see information about the routes.
[INFO] Server running on port 3000.

Congratulations! 🎉

You’ve built a fully-fledged server with everything set up, from controllers and routers to middleware and databases. Follow the console messages to explore what’s happening at /visualize, and then return to discuss the commands that Orion offers.